jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

how green are you?

I think that recycle is very important in this world, the reason; we are an such of animals, that pollute like it.
I like recycle, and try to do all time, when I can I do it, i feel that i make this world is a better place for live.  The way that I really like recycle is create a new thing from the “trash”, or the things that the people don’t use or don’t like more, like cans rings, and made bracelets, or another things like lamps, rings or others, also I recollect all my notebook paper, that I don´t use, and make new notebooks or other thinks like that.
We can found a lot information about how recycler, and the thinks that can create with some things, in internet, in blogs, mass media, in the web we  can fund a lot type of things, in the site Youtube.com, we can view and share tutorials about recycle, like make a sustainable thinks, craft, trimmings, or other thinks that we never believe that exist! Is incredible!
In the last years, some school has implemented a programs and activities for help the environment, with recycler. When I was a child, I stay in a school that has these activities. In all the classroom had 3 landfill, one for paper, other for cans, and other for the “trash”. The most important activity that has the school was a festival or “alianzas” that in the group that can recycled more win about 8000 points! I Think that is a interesting way for introduce the kid to the topic and the culture the recycler…
from recycle blog
Recycle bracelet from recycle blog

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