jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The english class and university!

I like learn, specially languages, I thinks that is funny ,so interesting, and is a tool that can take it.

I like the English class, since that I was a child, because I actually like the songs and the movies in English, and if I can translate that things they say, is better! Like a superpower!, I participated in summer camps and these experience  impulse me for learn more!, but I thinks that learn English always depend the teacher.

In the secondary I had a grouchy teacher, and I don’t feel motivate, but I study alone, and in my first year of university, had too a so exigent teacher, that make a lot of situation so frustrating and boring class.

This year, the things is so different, because the class are more interactive, and I really enjoy it!, I think that the use of blogs is so interesting, because we can learn to explicated  much better, and we can use obligatory the rules of the grammatical, sometimes is so hard, but that help us.

I like learn English or other languages with songs, I write in the original version, and after this, I translate, like as karaoque, but I really enjoy it, and help me remember the words and the meaning.

Now in the university I discovered a lot new word in English, especially the technical words, and make the use of English so important, and a need, for the job, for the globalization that have in this times, that everything came explicated in English, and we need understand , because the English is like universal  language.

The univertity feels like this! ajajaj

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi!!
    Love that photo, monster university <3!!!!!1

  2. Oh, yeas. Motivation is important. I had teachers that treated us like stupid kids in elementary and high school. I didn't feel motivated at all.

    I like working with Young people like you because you have always something to say.


  3. Hi, the oral exam is going to take place in room D11 at 8:30.

    The written exam will take place in our usual classroom, B11.

    Professor Lourdes Barría is in charge of your exams.

