jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The english class and university!

I like learn, specially languages, I thinks that is funny ,so interesting, and is a tool that can take it.

I like the English class, since that I was a child, because I actually like the songs and the movies in English, and if I can translate that things they say, is better! Like a superpower!, I participated in summer camps and these experience  impulse me for learn more!, but I thinks that learn English always depend the teacher.

In the secondary I had a grouchy teacher, and I don’t feel motivate, but I study alone, and in my first year of university, had too a so exigent teacher, that make a lot of situation so frustrating and boring class.

This year, the things is so different, because the class are more interactive, and I really enjoy it!, I think that the use of blogs is so interesting, because we can learn to explicated  much better, and we can use obligatory the rules of the grammatical, sometimes is so hard, but that help us.

I like learn English or other languages with songs, I write in the original version, and after this, I translate, like as karaoque, but I really enjoy it, and help me remember the words and the meaning.

Now in the university I discovered a lot new word in English, especially the technical words, and make the use of English so important, and a need, for the job, for the globalization that have in this times, that everything came explicated in English, and we need understand , because the English is like universal  language.

The univertity feels like this! ajajaj

how green are you?

I think that recycle is very important in this world, the reason; we are an such of animals, that pollute like it.
I like recycle, and try to do all time, when I can I do it, i feel that i make this world is a better place for live.  The way that I really like recycle is create a new thing from the “trash”, or the things that the people don’t use or don’t like more, like cans rings, and made bracelets, or another things like lamps, rings or others, also I recollect all my notebook paper, that I don´t use, and make new notebooks or other thinks like that.
We can found a lot information about how recycler, and the thinks that can create with some things, in internet, in blogs, mass media, in the web we  can fund a lot type of things, in the site Youtube.com, we can view and share tutorials about recycle, like make a sustainable thinks, craft, trimmings, or other thinks that we never believe that exist! Is incredible!
In the last years, some school has implemented a programs and activities for help the environment, with recycler. When I was a child, I stay in a school that has these activities. In all the classroom had 3 landfill, one for paper, other for cans, and other for the “trash”. The most important activity that has the school was a festival or “alianzas” that in the group that can recycled more win about 8000 points! I Think that is a interesting way for introduce the kid to the topic and the culture the recycler…
from recycle blog
Recycle bracelet from recycle blog

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect song!

Hello everybody today I want share with us, a song that I considered a perfect song, well for make this post I has a lot problems, because I really like a lot songs, and choose a one it’s too hard for me, but for this post I considered the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica , Is a one song that stay in my group of favorite songs, I like the way that the song start with the arpeggio in the guitar is too inspiring.

This song was launched in 1992 as the third single in the studio album Metallica. This song peaked number 11 in the billboard mainstream rock tracks in European charts.
This song, was wrote by the singer and guitarists James Hetlfield when he talks with his girlfriend on the phone, and he said her:

so close, no matter how far

I think that is great song, by a great band, and make a day so better, I have a great memories whit this song, whe I meet with my friends, someone start to play the guitar, and the rest start to sing.

Enjoy it!

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

a video-clip that i like

Hello everybody, today I want talk about a video clip that I like!
This video is from the by American rapper Macklemore and producer Ryan Lewis Featuring singer Ray Dalton, the name of the song is can’t hold us, I like this videos, because, I like the video is a crazy, but they stay in the city, in the beach,  in the mountain, in the ocean, in a boats, and in the someone scenes appears with camels, kangaroos, wolfs and a lot of people, in a everywhere, and  is think that is an energetic song, I really love the parts that they seems like pirates, because I likes pirates.
the shooting took place for three months, in 6 continents and 16 different shoots, ranging from the Pacific Northwest to Southern California to New Zealand at Cathedral Cove where scenes for The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian were also shot. Several prominent parts were filmed on the tall ship Lady Washington, in the video they sing and travell in cars, animals boats.
This video won two MTV video music awards for the best hip-hop video and best cinematography, and was nominated for best direction, and best editing.
I like this video and the song, because have a  taste a tribal and pop, and classic music, and the cours of the song is so perfect whit the voice of the singer!

“Here we go back, this is the moment,  Tonight is the night, we’ll fight till it’s over, So we put our hands up like the ceiling can’t hold us!

Enjoy it!

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Google, there's no such thing as 'the perfect map'

Google has launched its new application of a perfect map of the world!, according to many historians is the perfect bladed Ptolemy and Hertford that wanted to perform, turning it, in the most perfect application with maps in history, it is also very efficient.

this breakthrough in science, technology, and environment, allows users to more easily understand and access to any place or site of interest, since it also has a sort of extension in which then display a map of the whole world, antique or classic versions, as in history books.

Google vice-president Amit Singhal said:
"is foundational to delivering exactly what you want, when you want, and where you want it."

This application allowed google set as one of the best software development company, beating Apple, and others. With annual revenue of about $ 3 billion and a market share of 70% of the online search world.

Google now supports mapping into their applications so that people can find online more effective use of geographic information rather than alphabetic or numeric. that means that as an important virtual platform, and now allows that all the persons in the world can find everything in every place like as Chinese restaurant, that stay more close of you.

Well, we know that Google maps, is an important tool, overcoat for geographers, whit GPS, the data’s that had, and to be interactive, allow comprehend and understand more simply the world, and we can study the world whit all the perspectives.

The Hereford mappa mundi, c 1285, shows Jerusalem at the centre of the world. ‘World maps are always made with the beliefs and prejudices of their makers.

source: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/may/16/google-no-such-thing-as-perfect-map

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The Strangest Experience Ever! D:!

When I was a child, my cousin invited me to Loyca in Rapel…

We had a great summer vacations, but at last day in the house we could feelt a strange things, the things moved it, and the radio maked a strange noise. My uncles told us, that the wind and electric problems make this sounds, and we can worried about this.

In the afternoon, after the lunch, we go to the pool next to the house, and my aunt take us a photography’s, in the pool and run across the field… but in the dinner we are started to review the pictures, and appeared a two peoples more, and anybody can believe it!

My cousin and I start to shake, and we feel very scared...

We never forget this day, with the photos, and the faces that we have when can see it!.

This day in the night we come back to Santiago, and show the photos to my parents, and they said:

- maybe you we share with ghost i the field, maybe someone stayed in these place before us…

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit Russia, because I think that is a beautiful, and different country, they have the most artistic subway station, the Mayakovskaya station, in Moscow (the capital), and they have a stunning architecture in all the places, like the palaces, houses, in everything,  Its so interesting!
I like the hats that they wear I have a one as those, and I really enjoy listen the music of them, as the songs “kalinka” is so cheerful, and the dance that they have is awesome! And so hard, and funny!!
I would like know Moscow, the subway station, and the palaces in the city, if I go to Moscow, I like to learn dance Kalinka (a folk song) will be a hard work, but I really like it! , and I try to take many photos that I can, and make a collage! And also, know the palaces in Moscow or the Moscow Kremlin, and walk for all the street in these city, for see and know another culture personally. I would go with my little brother, my mom and my boyfriend.
I think that travel always is a good experience!

The Mayakovskaya Station, Mosscow

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My Ideal Job...

Well my ideal job, and my personal dream, its a been DJ, and make a great songs in a parties!

I like, because I like the music, and I can share whit others, create a good moments with sounds, rhythms, play with songs, change it, and more! Is amazing!

 When I as child, I create mix songs, play with lights, and all my friend ask me all the time that when we have a party’s that I charge the music.

I think that be a DJ is a hard work, because, you should know a lot type of music, artists, sounds, and how you can make the remix with the “Sound mixing”, and the most important…. Make a songs, that many people likes!, and this is a most hard part, and is very difficult.

I really like the idea, imagine, the lights in the night, Play it loud through the stereo speakers, have a great moments, stay in a exclusives places, and I only need  work a some nights and I can rest all the week, and go out to travel or share with my friends, or do another things.
Well I thinks that is a great job, and a like to be Ruth Flowers, and when I´ll turn 70 years old, will be the most important DJ like David Guetta or DJ Tiesto, who knows?

ajajaja, but now I like study geography, and i want finish my career and maybe this summer star play again with the songs...

Who Knows?...

Ruth Flowers, 69 years old (British DJ)

I´m going to talk about ...me :D

 Hello! my name is Amy Bustos Stears, i am a student of geography at FAU of Universidad de Chile,  public  university located in the town of Santiago, in Chile.

I used to live with my parents, my little brother, and  my gran parent, in San José de Maipo, but on April 4th my father died, and now, in the house we are 4... i have two dogs, ten hens, one cat, and one water turtle, i love the turtles!

I like studying. I am a kind of person that i love music, i am good at recognizing the songs and singers, all my friend say "you should  participate in a music quiz in television show", they know how make me blush ajajajaj....

I interested in science and our planet, i like to travel, and one of my dreams is travelling aroud the world in 3 years, and take a lot of pictures in every place that i will stay, and make a big collage, and put on my bedroom... is so crazy,  isn't?

At the weekends, i like stay with my family or my boyfriend, i like go out to walk, no matter where, but i thinks that is special walk and talk about the life, the every things, the live is too shoort to going mad.

I like play basketball, and volleyball, maybe i not a good player in volleyball but, i really like play.
My favorite color is blue, i think that the blue is a big color, like the sky, like the ocean, like space, a three components that i worried, because i thinks that the humans can't understand the magnificent of the place that we live, and we not are alone, we live in a big system, in which there plants, animals, bugs, and more...

I thinks that we should be like an astronaut, and see all the things in an different point of view...